It was one of the last warm sunny days in Fall 2010. We went to Niagara region from Toronto. As soon as we arrived in Niagara Falls, I got a service message on my Rogers Pay-As-You-Go cell phone from 5000 number.
It is the time to top-up my balance in Rogers Pay-As-You-Go account (cell phone) before expiration date. I’m going to “My Rogers” web page and it is down again.
Do you remember their former slogan: “Rogers – The most reliable network”? I’m thinking of it every time when I’m speaking on the phone and elevator’s doors are closing, or in the airport, or many other places where Rogers signal becomes very weak or disappears at all.
I have received regular Rogers bill for internet services in the beginning of July expecting increase of 8% for it. I thought GST and PST lines in the bill will be just substituted with HST line.
But to my surprise the Rogers internet bill contains all three taxes: HST, GST, and PST!