Your FICO credit score is negatively affected every single time when you fill and send a credit card application, or any other application which requires credit approval. You can save twenty bucks now with your new credit card, but will have to spend thousands of dollars more on the interest with higher rate in the future. Think about it, and apply for a credit only when you really need it.
Trueler received several complaints associated with the selling technique used by Extreme Fitness, and made some further investigation. Keep in mind that the price of one hour personal training session at Extreme Fitness is about $115 ($100 + tax), and you will be legally required to pay for all the sessions you used exactly at this rate, no matter when you cancel.
Trueler has recently received a complaint about VistaPrint Free shipping offer, which was not valid. The word “FREE” heard from VistaPrint means absolutely nothing. You will incur regular charges and fees after spending valuable time on the completion of your order. Beware of this unfair practice from VistaPrint!
For those who are using the wireless phone mostly in Rogers Pay As You Go network expenses will be doubled starting from November 16, 2010. The price of one minute inside Rogers Pay As You Go network will cost customers almost one dollar (90.4 cents including taxes)…
When your baby is born, Canadian Baby Photographers buy information with your address, name and phone number from different sources. It can be some application form at any baby store, hospital you stayed in for delivery, your doctor’s office, follow-up clinic. Then they start to call you every day in order to make a photo session, and sell very expensive photos.
In may 2009 Rogers upgraded High-Speed Express Internet users from 7 Mbps to 10 Mbps. Have you seen much difference in download speed? But there is a huge difference in price!
It is Bell Online Chat! Describe you complaint or issue in the chat and try to get answer or get your problem resolved until it is done. Do not let the customer service representative go, do not release him or her until your problem resolved! This is their job: make problems, then resolve problems. It is Bell’s choice! Customers can not help with this…
There is a law “Statement of Consumer Rights”, which applies to your local home telephone services. It states that if there were any billing errors that caused additional charges (i.e. overbilled), customer has a right for refund during one year for recurring services and 150 days for non-recurring.
Bell Canada added two extra features with additional fees to the Home Phone Choice service plan without customer’s consent. Those features are Phone Care and Wire Care maintenance plans, giving additional fees of $13.90 CAD + taxes. Customer tried to escalate the complaint to Bell, but Bell did not admit that it was an error from their side. Beware of this practice in Bell Canada, and regularly check your bills for new or increased charges and fees. In case of any discrepancy contact Bell directly, or CRTC to complain and get your issue resolved.
It was one of the last warm sunny days in Fall 2010. We went to Niagara region from Toronto. As soon as we arrived in Niagara Falls, I got a service message on my Rogers Pay-As-You-Go cell phone from 5000 number.