Here is one more complaint on Bell Canada…
Bell is an ongoing nightmare with me, even though I have cancelled them since July. Here’s the entire story. I cancelled them on June the 30th for my home phone and internet. They told me that after a month, all the services would be cut off.
Simple, then that means that by July 30th, all the payments would stop, right? Wrong.
They decided to cut only my internet off, and had the audacity to bill me for the phone line. Fuming, I called them and demanded to speak to the supervisor. She looked over our account and confirmed with us that we had indeed asked Bell to cut off our services and apologized for the mistake. She asked us to pay whatever was the amount due, and it would be credited back to us. Her reason was that we would be charged for the late fee if we didn’t. That was fine, it was in the ballpark of around $40.
Since we had cancelled our internet, they sent us a stamp to send our modem back. We went to Canada post somewhere in August to send back the modem. After the modem was sent back, they sent us another 3 stamps. Thinking that the modem was lost, I called Bell. The confirmed with me that they HAD received a modem and assured me that the stamps would stop coming. Fine, I thought that was done with.
So for the August bill, I had a accumulated credit of about $50. I asked them when I would get it in the mail, and they assured me that they must revise over all closed accounts, before sending off the credit cheque for us. She told me that the cheque would take about 6 weeks to process. I was also find with that. She also assured me that the revision for our account would be done in September.
September’s bill comes, and they still owe us a credit of $50. I still see a F beside our account number, that tells us that the revision has not completed. I call them up AGAIN, and tell them the ENTIRE story. They tell me to wait until October’s bill, and the cheque will be received by us.
October’s bill came today. And they charged us for the modem that they reported that they received back in August. Honestly, really? I call them up, and ask them what the hell is going on. Until now, all of the representatives have been polite to me, even though they couldn’t resolve my problem. Not this guy, he was RUDE. He’s trying to tell me that I DON’T owe any money to Bell, when it clearly states that Amount Due: 33.85. He asks me, quote on quote, “What part of 50.95 CREDIT do you not understand?” I reply back, “What part of I apparently owe you 75.00 do YOU not understand? Obviously my 75 cancels out the 50.95 that you owe me for about 3 months, and on top of that, I have to PAY YOU.” He tells me to wait on hold while he phones up head office in order to try to get them to speed up my cheque. He tells me that I might be able to see my money by Christmas, or the end of January. Really? I would have been waiting about half a year for my money if I actually do receive it by then. Before I called in and met this rude person, my aunt and cousin called in the morning, because they were so frustrated. They do have a strong accent, which is why I usually handle all of the talking on the phone. The representative that was talking to them, plain out asked them, “Do you know how to speak English?” Really. How rude. Urg.
This whole issue aside, I would have to call Bell around once a month after bills, because they like to charge us for random things that we don’t use. Even if we don’t use long distance, every couple of months, we get charged an extra 10 – 20 dollars for long distance calls to NB, or Calgary. We have no relatives there, so I don’t know how this happens.
Bell has horrible customer service, and are nice and happy to you ONLY when they are receiving your money. They will try to hold onto whatever they owe you for as long as possible.
In September 2012 one of our cell no longer works, I call Bell to request another cell, they tell me that I should upgrade to I-phones since I was long overdue. And the story starts, we order 3 I-phones in which 1 is a new activation, then we receive 1 phone only, the N/A since the other 2 are upgrades they ran out of phones????? My son has the phone but is never able to call us just text, which is weird….. So in November I am said that we have these Iphones coming but I have to give them my card number to wipe out the old balance since we are keeping the same numbers. A month later we receive a letter of apology from Bell Ombudsman because the employee used our card to buy her XMAS presents…….nice but they sent a letter to the carrier and advised them. Now we get the other Iphones in mid-December and they don’t have signal, I call approx 30hrs with tech dept for the next 2 weeks until someone tells me where we live Bell doesn’t support 3G networks so that is why you cannot have signal, which would explain why my son could never call home from school!!!!! So I ask to return the phones as they are no good to us, she says wait we are in whearouse changes and its a mess I will send you the waybill return right away, 2 months pass another 30hrs on the tel with them I get the paper. Send the dam phones back, but politely ask them to stop calling because the lines were all cancelled in December, they don’t understand, instead add 2 new lines to my bill?????? Now I owe them 1200.00 for something that I never could use, even though I sent everything back, gave them tracking numbers that show they received them and still don’t get it. I keep telling collections the story, they keep taking the notes and nothing happens. Now can someone tell how much room they have on an account to take notes because I am anxious to know when they will run out and rectify the problem. Throughout all this we are still dealing with their bad employee using our card! Now that is service!!!!!!!!
I am on the Cancellation dept. line now and they tell me I have to pay 100 per line to cancel, and also have to pay even though the lines didn’t work since its my responsibility.
I really feel bullied in this as there is no way I will pay for any of this!
After approximately 40 years of being a Bell Canada customer I decided about three weeks ago I had had enough and called Cogeco to have a landline brought in. The night before Cogeco was to arrive to install my landline with my pre-existing phone jacks I got a call from a Bell Canada representative. The representative asked me why I was changing and after somewhere around 45 minutes of conversation with this woman we decided that they had met the criteria for me to keep my account with Bell Canada telling me that they were going to give me long-distance minutes at the price that Cogeco had offered with a few acceptable exclusions. PERFECT! I was thrilled finally Bell Canada stepped up to the plate and got it right!!! Believe me when I say I can relate to all the stories on this site. In an effort to stay ahead of the frustration I knew I would have to go through for the next several months I decided to follow up 5 days after the initial phone call just to confirm we were all on the same page. WELL, apparently I was delusional, or on some sort of drugs, or was heavily drinking the night I spoke to the woman for 45 mins as Bell Canada operators in serval different departments, even a supervisor the “LOYALITY CUSTOMER SERVICE” WIN BACK department, no record of any kind that this conversation took place and that Bell Canada could not honour the offer the ‘phantom’ operator had made as it was impossible to offer such a price! This to me means once again I was giving a bunch of B***S*** to shut me up keep me as a customer with NO intention of actually doing anything for me. I suppose I did myself a favour and instead of making this phone call at the end of the month I’m still ahead of the game knowing what I know now. Bell Canada is not committed to their customers and hasn’t been for many many years. Unbelievable!! As for the gentleman that wrote about the green call box here in these posts, i couldn’t believe it when I read it. I was once asked by a 611 repair operator to go outside and locate the green box to open it and described to him what I was looking at, what did he want me to do … repair my own line.
My complaint would only be a re-hash of the ones listed here. After more than 50 years they lost me as a customeer.
Do you think anybody at Bell headquarters is aware of these postings?
My complaint would only be a re-hash of the ones listed here. After more than 50 years, they lost me as a customer.
One would think, that somebody at Bell headquarters, from the President to the hordes of Vice presidents, would be aware of these negative postings, decide that it is high time to do something about it.
But I guess they are too busy cashing their bonuses.
I dont even know where to start with them! FRAUD! going to figure out a way to file for fruad against them. Signed up for a cheaper rate then shaw was giving us. NOt once has our bill been that price have had to call every single month to fix it. Made sure price would not change within a year or so confirmed it would not. Now saying its a promotion for only 8mtns to 12 mnths and our bill will go up to 221$ after that! why would we agree to sign up for that when we were paying half of that with shaw. Makes no sense at all! If anyone knows how to file a lawsuit or fraud please let me know.
It seems as if we all have similar problems with old Ma Bell. Ever since deregulation, this company has gone downhill with a vengeance. For me, adding anti-virus protection to my account constituted a change in plan, even after confirming 3 times with their Customer Service rep in India that my plan would remain the same. I went from unlimited band width to a 40gb plan, and had to pay for an extra 20gb. I emailed every VP in the company including their CEO and the response I got was that the plan no longer existed and I could not go back. In total, an extra $10 a month for less service.
3 months without email, they send a representative over who accused me of changing the lines in the demarcation box, really????, after an hour at the green box, I have email service again. No apologies, just accusations.
Moved from one city to another, set up a new account, well, keeping your number does not apply to land lines, neither does internet service. I asked for the same service, I was told that I would be on a better service, a fiber optic line…. I asked them to ensure that my bandwidth was the same, they assured me that everything would be the same. I asked them to read me back the order, and it was great. Confirmation arrives, 20gb. Called them back to straighten it out, they make the changes and send me back another confirmation letter, still 20 gb. Called them back again and they said that it was changed and not to worry. After a few months in the new house, I noticed $30, $60 and $80 in additional charges, so I call, thinking that it was associated to my cell phone. Nope, extra bandwidth charges. I had to call every month for 7 months to straighten out the bills.
Enough was enough, cancelled all my services with bell, I was told I could not cancel my services because I was under contract, which I had never signed or agreed to. Paid my last bill and waited for a packing slip for the modem, never got it, after two months called again, still never received it. Took the modem to a bell store and they advised I can’t return it at their location, but I could purchase everything else. Called their head office, told them that if they want the modem they can pick it up. Received another bill after my final bill for almost $600, modem fee and phone contract. Told them that they got the numbers wrong again, and I had the documentation in my journal from the day I purchased the phone with all the details on early cancellation and the proration, the young man on the phone asked for a minute to review my account. A few moments later I was asked if he could call me back in a few minutes while he reviewed my account details. Got a call back 2 minutes later from a private number and was told to “quit my complaining and pay the f_ _ _ king billâ€
Well, they have been calling from a private number for almost a year now, and I’m in collections. I am waiting for them to escalate or threaten me with a court date, and I will gladly play back every conversation I had with them. If they can record me and keep accurate records from their perspective, the telephone recordings will surely convey a new truth to their arrogance.
My Bell TV service is on temporary suspended mode since I don’t really watch it. I received a bill this week stating that the service has been reinstated without my consent… I’m fuming…
My girlfriend has her services through Rogers and they are as crooked as Bell… Ridiculous and savage contract cancellation fees, billing mistakes (to their advantage) etc.
I called bell to cancel my land line (which I have had 21 yrs with bell) I was told I had to give 30 day notice which is stated in my contract (no contract 21 yrs ago) I said fine then please remove all the extras on my phone (call answer call waiting etc) I was told I couldn’t do that . I asked to speak to a supervisor he told me I could not remove the extras and cancel my service. I asked to speak to his supervisor . He told me there was nobody above him and hung up on me. I called the next day again asked to cancel my land line was told it would be cancelled asked to speak to a supervisor and was put on hold 65 min later I hung up. A month later I still have a phone called and was told there is no record of me cancelling . How do you get rid of Bell, How do they get away with this ?
Boy did I ever get snookered, I took a Bell package in Feb 2012, which was 6 mos. free (yeah right) and after that it was to be approx. 88.00 plus tax for the remander of 2 yrs.nothing was signed at the time. When it came time for the six months to be up, and first bill was received boy was that a shock, interet was quoted at 19.98 bill was 60.95, phone was entire pkg decided on basic line, s/b 19.99 ended up 29.95, TV was to be $44.00 per month which was 6 pkgs along with movie channels, ended up being almost triple. When to customer care, then complaint dept in Montreal. Bottom line is that even though an agent sold in the package, they could not help me as according to them, with 6 mos. free, after that the standard rates applied even though I have it in writing as to what the rate would be. I did not care about the free months was more interested in what monthly fee would be as was on strict budget,assured of rates, which at time was less then what I was paying with the service provider I had. Bad mistake should never have changed. When I contacted the agent was assured that the credits would go through within the 2nd billing, it has come and gone and no credits, a lot of empty promises with no follow through, to the point that everything is being disconnected on Jan 23rd. Stay away from anyone who knocks on your door from Bell as they will say anything to get you to go to them, even lie..I will be filing with Small Claims Court this week, as to even cancel the services they wanted 400.00 on top of the 534. which they say I owe, which is over the amount quoted, and I have been paying…they don’t care, and considering that I know of others who have Bell and are actually paying less then me with more services, it just doesn’t make sense. They don’t care about the customer at all, and is quite apparent, considering that all this hassel has managed to do is upset my health and illness more, in which I’ve been told to avoid stress and all they want to do is add to it. and yes I was told by Montreal that they would be hounding me daily within the next couple of weeks for funds, kinda funny considering they plan on disconnecting on Wed. STAY AWAY FROM DOOR SALES REPS FOR BELL AS THEY ARE AGENTS AND DO NOT WORK DIRECTLY FOR BELL!!!!!!!!
I cancelled my account with Bell Canada in September 2012. I sent ALL the Bell equipment (receivers) back with YOUR purolator account, as requested. I received confirmation that everything has been returned. I have provided the numerous callers with the Purolator tracking number, the name of the person at your warehouse that signed for the package, the date of delivery to your warehouse and the agent ID who assisted me on the phone. This person stated they are putting me on the DO NOT CALL list and assured me the matter was closed. I am now getting phone calls DAILY at my office saying I owe Bell 108.00. I also received a notice by email that I have a CREDIT on my old account of approximately $26.00, yet still the phone calls continue. One person would not listen to my and simply stated “ok we will send it to collections” and hung up the phone in my face. THIS IS HARRASSMENT!!! I have since talked my parents and siblings out of using Bell Canada and they have switched to Shaw. I will be doing the same…If the phone calls contine, I will be contacting my lawyer.
I was inquiring with bell with reguards to porting my land line number to bell mobility and wanted to know if bell would insure the number would be published in the local phone book. after approx. 40 min. on the phone and being transfered at least 6 times the last transfer hung up. Not being a Bell client yet , considering the runaround to get a simple answer, I don’t think I’ll be switching to bell.
P.S. first person to answer the phone was in phillipines
SIMPLY ASK TO TALK TO A CUSTOMER SERVICE REP IN CANADA (CREATES MORE JOBS IN CANADA)- didn’t help but at least i talked to a rep in canada !
My account has been cancelled since last sep,but still the bill is coming.
I have a 12 month contract , never had any overage on my use . Never ordered a movie No additional charges . But my bill is different every month . Every single month I’ve called to have them fix my bill . The next month they over charge again telling me I don’t understand how they Bill . EXACTLY . Why not actually send the amount and the length of contract in the conformation email. Extortion plain and simple . They say one thing do another without any accountability .
My name is Rick Alviano
I recently received a notification from the Bell offices indicating that my bill was at $169.54 and that my outgoing calls would be redirected once i reached $175. This was on Jan 4th 2013
I have a bill cap of $200.
5 days later i find my phone service suspended for going over the limit…without any notification. I have received this notification of impending suspension before,,but always before they do it.
The service i have received on this topic has been inhospitable. I have been hung up on twice..had reps not give me their names even when asked. Then told (basically) that its my problem not theirs.
I have made a request to speak to a manager (above the supervisors head I was talking with) but i have to wait up to 24 hours.
I dont know about you but i cant sit by a phone waiting…I have a life and a job
I have been considering calling fraud or incurring the penalty and cancelling my phone service and going to a smaller independant service provider.
Bell realy suck!
bell has also done this with me been with bell a very long time bell needs to get there stuff together customer service is absolutely terrible and every time you turn around they charge you for something else they said i get a promotional deal free installation no contract tv phone internet 3 months plus 25 gb extra usage free now 3 months later charging me for almost all of what they said was free among other and they have not told me what other is seriously considering changing companies bell has got to get there shit together been a customer for a long time cant believe they can call them selves a multi million dollar company when they cant even resolve a verbal contract what they’re doing is false advertising legally they should be getting sued..not to mention you call and you talk to people you cant understand sat their for 2 hours getting them to repeat my friggin user id can barely understand them seriously bell is going way way downhill
I am writing in regards to the pathetic service I received from Bell Canada today. I am sorry to say but it was the worst customer service experience of my Life!!
I was not happy with the system access fee Bell was charging me since past 2 years so i called to get that cancelled. I called today i.e. 22nd of December 2012 at 02.05 pm and spoke to an agent who advised she could not cancel this so she passed on the call to another agent called Joshua (ID number: EY16758).
Upon listening to me Joshua said he could offer me a better plan in which system access fee won’t be charge and also I would get unlimited local minutes and unlimited text – and to get this I would have to extend my contract for one more year. He assured that all other features remain the same as my current contract (which included some promotional features as well). This all he was offered me in $56. I was not happy with the extension to my plan for one more year but then I agreed on a condition that he will also add 100 Canada wide minutes to the plan. So he summed up all the services to $57!.
My upgrade with my current contract was due in April 2013 so I asked him ‘will that have any effect on it?’ and he clearly said NO. I also asked him to double check this with his supervisor. He put me on hold then came back and said he has received an email from his supervisor to confirm that this wont effect on my due hardware upgrade.
I agreed to this, he put me on hold for quite a long time and then came back to confirm what he has done for me. I repeatedly asked him to confirm that the contract has only been extended for one year and all my current features remain and the minutes/text i will now get are unlimited, and he said yes.
Now I was expecting an email from Bell to confirm the changes made to my account. As I didn’t receive any email so i logged in to my account. TO my surprise i found that my contract was extended to 3 more years!!! Rather than 1 that i was told.
I was quite shocked to see this so i called customer service again. This time i spoke to an agent called Rebecca (ID num: EY18454). I explained the situation what happened this morning and after speaking to her supervisor ‘James’ she said you can either cancel your contract with Bell or get some features in $27 without listening to my requirements.
Anyways after quite a long and difficult dialogue she agreed to change the plan end date to one year (as Joshua had told me in the morning). Now i also asked her to confirm that she has not altered anything else in my account and she said ‘Yes’. I insisted to tell me again the features so i should know and she said i get ‘150 local minutes in the plan’!!! now this further annoyed me as Joshua had told me its ‘UNLIMITED local minutes’. It was such nerve wrecking for me and i felt like Bell agents are here to annoy people and not help people!!
I then said i was better off with my own plan so just put me back on that and she said she can’t do that and the only thing i can do is to cancel the contract! Anyways i wanted to speak to her supervisor or any other collegue and she refused. She put me on hold a couple of times and was not coming up with any solution for me. The worst on her part was that she put me on hold for 20 mins before 7pm and came back at 7pm to say that we have to dial back if was want to speak to other agent and her supervisor James is not willing to talk and some other supervisor will call in 24 to 72 hrs and then hang up on us exact 7pm.
I am also planning to complain to CCTS about this matter as me and my family are loyal customers of Bell form quite long time and this is how we get treated! We get told to Leave Bell and agents are not trying to resolve issues they created themselves!. Also i find it a big fraud that they are lying to their customers about what they are selling.
Once again, another complaint. I cancelled my internet / Land Line and Satellite service with Bell as of 15-Sep-12. They sent the box for the PVR and Internet modem. The items were sent back before the end of Sep-12. I called the Bell 310 number and told them that my land line was still active on 1-Oct-12. They told me there was a cancellation fee of $60, and I paid it via CC. On 7-Oct-12, the phone was still active, so I called Bell 310 again. The representative stated that I had to pay til the end of the month (Oct-12)as they carry the bill to the end of the month. I told them that I has actually cancelled all services on 15-Sep-12. She became very aggressive on the phone, because I sated that I was NOT going to pay the additional monthly service for Oct, as the rest of the services were cancelled on the same day. I received a letter in the mail today, stating that it went to collection. If there is a class action law suit, I want to be involved. I also will continue to tell people NEVER deal with BELL CANADA.
The bell people are trappers. Whatever they say they never fulfill. They firsts give you offers thet trap you to buy them, but when it is bill time they extend the money by a great amount. The only way i think they get their income from is by trapping all of the innnocent people around the world. Their company is crap, their employers are crap, and finally their service is shit! Like who thought they will make money without trapping people.
I had an ottawa phone number for more than 40 years. Due to the very bad service, which Im receiving the last 12 months I cancelled my phone as of June 30,2012.Such a disgusting customer service company, using slave labour from the Philipines(pay the people $ 2.00 per hour) using slave labour from Bangalore(India) paying them hardly any money, using slave labour from Costa Rica-same old story-
but having the nerve to increase $ 3.00 monthly in May 2012. The rate should come down due the slave labour used by Bell Canada. Charging high Canadian Rates.
I had made a mistake. I gave them my credit card # to be charged. As of December 2012 they are charging on my card, which I had to cancel, still for the phone which was cancelled 5 months ago and is out of service for 5 months. This company should be charged for fraud.
Bell has screwed all of us, they can go screw the pooch. I’m not giving them a red cent! Period. it cost me roof repairs to have their dish removed that they screwed through my shingles. Not to mention my time wasted on their LIES on the phone. Someone need to start a class action LAW SUIT againts them. I’ll be the first to sign up. They can send me their bullshit bills all they want. I just save them as fire starter. I say F them totally, they call I hang up on their sorry non speeking english Liers they hire. I sse it’s bell calling or their collections number. CLICK! hang up or they can listen to my message machine.
I am a new Bell TV employee that just finished training a few months ago. I have worked for Rogers in the past however when I moved to Toronto I found out that I could not simply transfer my job to a Toronto Office as I worked for a 3rd party. Rogers was great to their 3rd party employees. Bell however as I am learning is not great to their own employees. They tie the amount of credits I give to customers to my Key Performance Indicators which affects the bonus and raise I am entitled to at the end of the year. This means that the more credits I give out even if it is Bells own fault I will receive a hit to my KPI resulting in little or no raise and no bonus come year end. Rogers did not do this and I feel this is why so many customers have to call back in month after month for the same credit. Each time the agent will tell them they will give them the credit but in the end does nothing as if they do they will not get their bonus or raise. It is not fair that they tie the amount of credits we give out to our raises.
I wish I felt comfortable giving my name but I can not risk losing my job. I feel like if this was brought out to a media owned not by bell perhaps things would change but I am unsure how to go about that. Ask any of the Bell employees they will tell you that everything I have said is true.
I could tell you all the stories about the times they charged me for things they shouldn’t have, the lousy service, etc…It’s a long list.
But 2 things that might be helpful for people still dealing with them:
1. Any time you call them, keep a record of the date/time, the representative’s name and ID, and a reference number for the call. That way, when they later tell you the conversation never happened or that you were told there would be a charge, or that you didn’t ask for something that you know you did, etc you can request that they PULL THE CALL and listen to it. I went through 2 levels of supervisors telling me I was informed of $150 in cancellation fees (I was not) before the 3rd one actually did pull the call and discovered that not only was I not informed of the charges, but I had specifically asked the agent about any fees that might be charged and was told there would be none. Problem solved – they issued a refund cheque within about 4 weeks. (I had paid the bill to avoid having a past due bill, as I was applying for mortgages and didn’t want that on my credit report).
2. If you have escalated to a supervisor on the phone and didn’t get an acceptable resolution, there is a tiny link at the bottom of their website that allows you to escalate a complaint. Use it. You just fill in the web form with the details of your issue. It gets you to a different set of people. May not work every time, but they have resolved my last couple of complaints.
If I was having a problem with Bell, Shaw, or Telus, I would run straight down to the Court House and file a complain in Small Claims Court. It’s really simple. Getting a judgement against Bell is easy. If they don’t comply with the court order “Dodo” will hit the proverbial fan. They will bend over and ask to kiss your foot, or some such part.
Interesting stories. Personally, I cancelled my television for July 1st because they couldn’t provide service in my new apartment, I did however move the internet tho. I followed the detailed instructions from my representative to the word. Fast forward, Im meanwhile inundated by work and 3 months later I notice not only did they properly charge me $50 for a service move, they incredibly never stopped billing me for the TV. I call to complain, they acknowledge the inconsistency in the addresses between my TV and Internet, however say that they don’t have a record that i cancelled the TV. So basically Im screwed out of $100 and there is nothing they can do about it.
Bell totally takes advantage of it’s customers. Im so frustrated because this $100 is not worth my time. That said, I will follow up with small claims court and complain to the CCTC as well as the media.
Bell Canada makes screwing their business.
Add me to the endless list! I gave 30 days notice to cancel my home phone of 25 years on June 14. July 23? Phone line still live. Now it is mid September and I am getting threatening letters for the $167.08 they claim I owe them. I reckon I actually owe them about $75 tops. 4 separate, long, gruelling conversations with the Orwellian-named “customer loyalty” department, 2 e-mails to Kerry Arbourr, VP Credit and Collections. It is a NIGHTMARE!! Perhaps a class action lawsuit is in order. Everyone: stay away from Bell.
I have to agree with all the complains i have seen on here,
Bell Canada is the worst phone, internet, and TV provider ever in Canada, someone mentioned in their post that the are horrible, and they’re only nice to you, when you gave them money that is so true.
On the 5 Sep 2012, i got home from work just to find out that my phone internet and statelite Tv was disconnected, even though the due date for my account was not due until the 7 Sep 12, because of not having a phone, and wanted to speak to those unruly arrogant,unprofessional rude people, i had to walk four blocks from my house to a hospital to use a pay phone.
So now that i have my two quarters in my hands at the pay phone, i’m about to make my call to the accounts receivable department like i was instructed to do,
the wait was not that long, now i got a bell customer service rep on the line by the name of Mukul, He mentioned to me at first, that my service is suspended until i paid the amount of $91.38 to have my service up running again which is a big fat lie, because when my friends and my family were trying to reach me they all got an out of service message not a suspension Within 5 minutes of our conversation his story change to Sorry Sir that amount i gave to you was incorrect you need to pay $400.00 first to have your account up and running again, my point here is from $91.38 to four hundred dollars that is a big job. Do you really honestly see how they gave wrong contradicting information on one’s account all the time that make no sense at all.
At this point i was getting very frustrated with Mr Mukul, so i said to him, i cannot make a payment of $400.00 dollars at the moment, I told him what i can do is $200.00 now which was the 5 Sep 12, and the balance on the 12 Sep 12, well for some silly funny reason he did not have the opportunity to do this.
That is when i asked to speak to his supervisor or a manager, at this point he was talking over me which they do all the time, he then say to me could you please hold sir i’ll get you a manager. I was put on hold for about 5 minutes max, the manager came on the phone her name was Kajal i tried to explain my problem to her about my services, she was not helpful at all. It makes you wonder where do they find these people, i’ll be honest she had a very strong accent and i was unable to understand what she was trying to say.
Her words to me as a manager was i’m telling you now sir you have to pay the four hundred dollars first to have your service reconnect, i was so angry because this lady shows no compassion at all, Mukul should have her job because he listened and i was at least trying to make some sense from our convo, but Ms Kajal was very rude, by saying oh you can pay anything you want the $400.00 or the $700.00 dollar i don’t care that’s was her words, we need to let more people know what kindda or service bell Canada provide to their customer.
I will be changing services soon , may want to try Rogers
I decided to cancel Bell over 3 months ago and was told that I needed to give them a 30 day notice. I looked over my contract and all the fine print and nowhere can I find this claim.
They kept asking why I was cancelling and the customer loyalty service guy was really rude. I straight out told him that it’s because they have lousy service and too expensive. They kept wanting to give me better rates but he failed to grasp the concept that another company had already installed their service in my home.
The next month I get a bill as expected… only I get an $100 charged to my internet for over consumption. Now, keep in mind that I’ve cancelled the internet the month before and during that time I was using another company’s service. I fail to see how I could have overused?!?
They state that their internet is a month backtime?
Anyhow, the second month I get a final bill for $15.99 and I figured this would be the end. No it isn’t.
On the third month after cancellation I get a bill for tv and phone. I called up my old # associated with this account and it’s still connected.
I call Bell and they say it’s because of a software issue and the cancellations weren’t going through. The representative explains that she will cancel it immediately and will remove the pre-authrorized from the account to make sure nothing is withdrawn and my balance is 0.
Well low and behold, 4 months after cancellation they just withdrew $300 from my account!!!
Stay away from this company. I hate to think how long I’ll have to be on the phone tommorow to clear this mess up!
Hey guys … I have been hearing and readings messages like yours all over. Obivously, we keep complaining, wasting our time waiting on the phone, and at the end nothing is resolve, because the problem persists once we receive the next bill!!!
I have had ENOUGH with Bell, and I would like to organize everyone into a group to launch a Class Action Lawsuit against Bell Canada.
Are you ready and willing?
write to me at :
July 16th I called to cancel my Mom’s phone after 52 years. She was moved to a nursing home in March. I told the Bell employee she had alzheimer’s and was in a home since March and I was cancelling the phone effective immediate. I called from my Mother’s phone line to cancel it . She kept asking me how they could KEEP their service . Again I repeated my story. Then she had the audacity to ask “why are you disconnecting the phone ? ” I asked her what I had told her several times. She said “that your Mom is in a nursing home with Alzheimer’s and not coming back “, and then she asked me AGAIN why I was cancelling the phone. Well I lost it folks ! Told her disconnect the phone on July 18th as she said that was the earliest it could be disconnected and that I was hanging up. Yesterday, Aug 7th her phone is still not disconnected and I have received a bill . I went to Mom’s again and was on hold for one full hour ! Then I was put thru more idio speak and told they have to speak to my Mother blah blah. After a lot of screaming and stating i would be going home to cancel my phone, my satellite and my business accounts and advising I would tell all my relatives to please do same, I was put thru to a reasonable woman who stated the phone had been scheduled to be disconnected on July 18th and she would arrange etc.
BELL CANADA, and most communication companies deserve to go the way of the dinosaurs and the post office. I hope I live to see it !
I live on a lighthouse station in BC and I use my phone 5 weeks out of a year because the station I work at has no signal and Bell charges me $3,600.00+ a year to keep my phone number active. I tried to cancel my service but I found out that I was sweet talked into a contract. So until 2015 I have to pay Bell almost $4,000.00 a year for 5 weeks of service. Bell has no concern for their customers, as long as we are stupid enough to accept service from these con artists.
Not only is their customer service crap but their drivers on the road are freaks! Apparently, they don’t like it if you pass in front of them after you’ve SIGNALED and they like to swerve into your lane to scare you. And they like to speed off like the freak dumbasses that they are. NICE. And they want people’s business??
The brainless twits who work for Bell must get a laugh listening to complaints. What do they care?
I have been fighting with Bell for 37 months, that’s over 3 years about an IT manager I never asked for but they keep billing me every month for it so every month I call and explain over and over for about 1/2 hour to up to 2 1/2 hours, never any satisfaction, never an apology, never a credit
We are trying to switch from Bell to Rodgers. When it snows, rains, or is too cloudy outside our TV doesn’t work. My husband has to go outside in the winter to take the snow off the satellite so that we can try to get some reception. Now our TV has not worked for about 6 days and they are telling us it is due to a tree in the front of our home. We can’t get rid of the tree, so they suggested putting our satellite on the roof. Of course we are not in agreement with this, as we can’t go up on the roof to get the snow off. Now we are trying to switch to Rodgers and Bell has put a hold on our phone number so that we can’t use the same number. My husband is trying to get a reason for this hold from Bell and the person in their loyalty dep’t is giving him a hard time on the phone – demanding our password which we can’t rember and giving my husband a hard time about just providing other info ie date of birth,or ID information. They have never done this before, so it’s a little suspicious that we now HAVE to give a password. In my opinion these are very childish tactics. In addtion to all of this when we first switched to bell. The person who came to do the installation cut our cable chords for Rodgers – Imagine someone just coming into your home and cutting your capable chords without your consent.
I also didn’t realize Bell needed 30 days notice to cancel. I canceled with Bell 2 months ago, they are still charging me for services I’m not receiving! I refused to pay. They sent me a letter giving me 10 days to pay or they are sending it to collections. I called to discuss this situation, after being on hold for at least 20 minutes I talked to someone I couldn’t understand! These people are totally unreasonable to deal with!! I’m totally stressed out by this situation. I have contacted the ccst they are looking into it. I would like to know what country handles their collections. I sincerely think somebody should look into the way they are dealing with customers. Could somebody give some advise on how to deal with these horrible people. Any time I have asked to speak to a supervisor or manager I’m on hold so long I end up hanging up (which I’m sure that’s the whole plan). Also when I make a payment @ my bank they Demand I call with a confirmation number! I need some help on how to deal with these people. I’m sorry but I have issues paying for services I’m not receiving.
My mother is 95 and we moved her to a nursing home and cancelled her phone. Afer we moved her out somebody hooked up the phone in her name and we cant get Bell to cancell it.The apartment she was in is still empty a few months later. I tried calling Bell Customer service this morning and was left waiting for about ten min for someone to answer there phone. You would think a phone company would have more phones and more people to answer it.
i own a home Bell send one of his men to install a new phone they went on top of my roof and have made a new hole on my aluminium windows i call to see if i can talk to someone but they keep on shipping me from one person to the other if someone has a contact please let me know at Thank you
My bill used to be 93$ a month, but mysteriously they raised it to $117.00. In March 2012, I decided to cancel my services as I have been offered Great service from another company! I talked to an agent & was notified that they need “1 months notice†to cancel my services which no where on the bill it states. Anyways, I was like whatever, they need money that bad I’m going to let that BS slide. I told them here’s my “notice†I don’t want services anymore and would expect my final bill! To what they said “definitely†Today, I got a bill, but it’s not my final bill….. they sent me a bill for the next month! So like any person would do I called them, and asked them “My services has not been canceled why†the agent “Roxi †said †she can’t find the log saying my request†I smell Bs. Magically, logs and notes get disappeared but when it comes to payments, that doesn’t get messed up. So I call them again, asking I want to talk to someone superior, they tried so hard to change my mind. But I kept saying “I want to talk to a manager†When I spoke to this fake incompetent manager by the name of Adam he said he found the logs. What?! My logs were found. Oh no, last I checked I was a customer and the money came from my pocket, so when customer requests they don’t want services they exactly, mean that. They conveniently made the so they would try to charge me for another month!
Open letter to Bell Canada:
Dear Sirs,
I came to believe that your company’s inability (or brilliance) to deal with customers has reached Biblical proportions. I called Bell to signal a change of address three weeks in advance. In addition to phone and satellite TV services I have been paying like a Swiss clock for the last fifteen years, which I believe should account for approximately 23,000.00$ of total payments as of today, I asked for internet to be added to the services bundle. For a reason that eludes me, your technicians cut my phone line on the spot without any further explanations, and applied changes to my channel selection at a date which I guess they cherry picked based on whatever astral scheme they thought of.
I tried first to communicate with customer services representatives to take care of this uncomfortable situation. I currently have a list of seven different representative names with employee numbers that assured me that the situation would be taken care of in a matter of hours. I was never able to communicate twice with the same representative, and I believe this is a brilliant strategy to divert any difficult situation a business may face. I will never thank you enough for your guidance in that matter.
Yes, this represents one call a day, for seven days in a row, at an average forty five minutes per call. This means that at a plumber’s hourly rate Bell would owe me over 400$, excluding cellular charges (remember, you cut me off)
I then took the very difficult decision to put an end to my business relationship with Bell Canada. To my surprise, I learned, the hard way I might add, that the only way to end my misery would be to call the same evil number. So far I have spent 2 hours today trying to reach a representative to put an end to it (again, on my cell phone, remember, you cut me off). Again, I salute your business acumen and customer retention strategy.
After being on hold for a last 53 minutes, on my cellular phone (remember, you cut me off), I was able to finally put an end to my crossing of the Sahara.
I’m now a new customer of a competitor, at last.
I will never thank you enough for your guidance and insight with regards to customer management. It is a rare event in life when one has the privilege to learn from a master.
Best regards,
An enlighten ex-customer
I have been fighting battles with Bell for some time and yes, after you have gone through ‘hell’ with them, and been put on hold forever till your ears burns and your arms are in pain and are ready to fall off, only then if your lucky will be transferred without being hung up on, to someone that may help you and solve your problem…but this might take days, weeks or months of frustration, weariness, exhaustion and down-right anger and hate. Then, and only then, they may offer you the sun and the moon to keep you on as a customer…they will offer you a lot just to keep you hanging on!
Bell si like doing that kind of game since many years! A good way for them to make $$ ;)
Thanks Anne!
Also another link that you can use is to send in a complaint is here:
I have been going through so much trouble and my mistake taking their Bell TV offer and that messed up my phone and internet. They told me they would be combining my account but bill me through 2 separate account. I wish I had never taken their Bell TV. They even disconnected my phone and unable to apply a previous credit check I had sent them. JUST TERRIBLE, I think their whole corporation is messed up and absolutely clueless how to control the mayhem.
Here is their Executive Email Address and Phone number incase the Reps are not able to work it out.
I opened my account with Bell on July 26th 2011. We made one phone call for all 2 service, Television, Internet and Phone. It was a part of some promotion they had and after the order was done the bill was to come up to just shy of $122.00 on ONE bill per month. But no…they ended up opening 2 separate accounts, one for tv and the other for internet and phone together. so now, i was no longer apart of this 3 services package deal. They have been billing us separately and the bills have been in the hundreds for each service per month! We were not given certain rebates, a discount for switching from Videotron which was promised from the get go and PLUS they have suspended the service twice! After severals calls to resolve, nothing has been done to accomodate us. We are still being charged separatly. We have made our payments according to the price given when we signed up and now they are threatening to send us to collection agencies due to non payment…??? I dont know about you guys but i have a made complaint to the better business bureau and a letter was sent from a lawyer. I have heard too many stories about these crooks in the past, but nowim experiencing it for myself! Their customer service has to be the WORSE i have ever encoutered. Although nice at times, they do not seem to know much! Some think they are smarter than you and becomes rude and comes across like YOU are bothering THEM!So sad how a company so big can be the worse mistake you will ever make in terms of a service provider. They are a misleading company! the aboslute worse service and they are thieves! So upset with them and promised myself i will never go back! Everyone always told me, “do not go with bell” and now anybody asks me about if they should join Bell…my reply is simply NO!
Bell charged me $90 for new modem
Your guys called me and told that they will charge only one time $45
2360 Midland Ave # 7 & 8
I called up the Bell in April 2010 and I asked the representativ to cancell my internet service definitively on September 18,2010.Name of representative was Dominik Conf. nr.108622758.In the and of September I’ve got 2 modem kits to send buck the modem.I returned the modem on Octobar 10. 2010(sunday),tracking nr.4661 0012 7105 4900. I’m using rogers int.service since Oktobar 11,2010.As the Bell continue to sent bills for internet, I cancelled internet for second time on Junary 03 2011.Name of representative Darsia, Conf. Nr.114094260. No body can belive but I’m still getting bills from Bell for the internet, the last bill I’ve got for the September 2011 amount $ 46,90.I called them many times and every time they say ok we will allove you Credit,and this problem will be solved.Ofcours I stoped to pay bills since February 2011, and I stoped to call them enymore.
I feel your frustration. I am livid with Bell, and I honestly believe that they are crooked as one can come. I had bought a new cell phone in March 2010, that within the month quit working altogether. I brought it back, to which they replied, “We just supply them”. They were willing to send it away since I bought extra warranty, but they couldn’t tell me for how long it would be gone for. Since I don’t have another phone, this didn’t work for me. They told me I could purchase a WHOLE NEW phone, or else start up a new contract. They will not cancel my other contract with the piece of crap broken phone they sold me, without charging me another 300.00 dollars. THey want 20.00 a month on the old contract until March 2013, or else 300.00.I have been fighting this battle since March 2010, and just today I called again and was told ” Why haven’t you called in before?” REALLY? I have called SO MANY TIMES I can’t count. Their excuse is that they don’t have any notes on file. I told him that it’s not my fault his staff is just as incompetent as he is. When asked if there was anything else he could clear up for me, I said, no, it’s very clear that Bell works for the nickel and dime and not for it’s customers. It’s clear they take pleasure is screwing faithful customers over, and I am please to tell them as soon as my contracts are up, I’m going elsewhere.
This story is very similar to mine. I suspended my service the end of June, with full intentions of staying with Bell. I had been a customer for 23 yrs., and besides the magic increasing monthly phone bill, was okay with them. The devil you know and all.
When I moved into my new place in Sept., in another city, Bell informed me that they did not have internet service in my area. I said that’s fine, i’ll keep my Bell phone, and internet elsewhere. It then took Bell more than 8 DAYS to hook up my phone. Three different techs came out, couldn’t figure it out, so I got tired of the runaround, and switched my phone to my internet provider, having had Bell service for 1 day. My bill for the one day service was $53.38.
What followed was nothing short of stupidly amazing. I was billed twice for cancelling a contract(remember, they don’t supply internet, but I was charged for it). I was then credited 78.98. I told the person I was talking to to PLEASE DOUBLE CHECK, as I do not want to incur any more charges. She reassured me I wouldn’t. The next bill was for $53.38, which I called and “fixed”, and again, had them double check. The next bill was for $6.14. Don’t forget, this started with a $78.98 credit. And the kicker? Still have my modem, that i’m surely being charged for, as I STILL have not received anything to send it back with. I thought this was a professional company. Wow, now that they’re not a monopoly, the wheels are sure falling off, aren’t they? COGECO ROCKS!!!