Here is one more complaint on Bell Canada…
Bell is an ongoing nightmare with me, even though I have cancelled them since July. Here’s the entire story. I cancelled them on June the 30th for my home phone and internet. They told me that after a month, all the services would be cut off.
Simple, then that means that by July 30th, all the payments would stop, right? Wrong.
They decided to cut only my internet off, and had the audacity to bill me for the phone line. Fuming, I called them and demanded to speak to the supervisor. She looked over our account and confirmed with us that we had indeed asked Bell to cut off our services and apologized for the mistake. She asked us to pay whatever was the amount due, and it would be credited back to us. Her reason was that we would be charged for the late fee if we didn’t. That was fine, it was in the ballpark of around $40.
Since we had cancelled our internet, they sent us a stamp to send our modem back. We went to Canada post somewhere in August to send back the modem. After the modem was sent back, they sent us another 3 stamps. Thinking that the modem was lost, I called Bell. The confirmed with me that they HAD received a modem and assured me that the stamps would stop coming. Fine, I thought that was done with.
So for the August bill, I had a accumulated credit of about $50. I asked them when I would get it in the mail, and they assured me that they must revise over all closed accounts, before sending off the credit cheque for us. She told me that the cheque would take about 6 weeks to process. I was also find with that. She also assured me that the revision for our account would be done in September.
September’s bill comes, and they still owe us a credit of $50. I still see a F beside our account number, that tells us that the revision has not completed. I call them up AGAIN, and tell them the ENTIRE story. They tell me to wait until October’s bill, and the cheque will be received by us.
October’s bill came today. And they charged us for the modem that they reported that they received back in August. Honestly, really? I call them up, and ask them what the hell is going on. Until now, all of the representatives have been polite to me, even though they couldn’t resolve my problem. Not this guy, he was RUDE. He’s trying to tell me that I DON’T owe any money to Bell, when it clearly states that Amount Due: 33.85. He asks me, quote on quote, “What part of 50.95 CREDIT do you not understand?” I reply back, “What part of I apparently owe you 75.00 do YOU not understand? Obviously my 75 cancels out the 50.95 that you owe me for about 3 months, and on top of that, I have to PAY YOU.” He tells me to wait on hold while he phones up head office in order to try to get them to speed up my cheque. He tells me that I might be able to see my money by Christmas, or the end of January. Really? I would have been waiting about half a year for my money if I actually do receive it by then. Before I called in and met this rude person, my aunt and cousin called in the morning, because they were so frustrated. They do have a strong accent, which is why I usually handle all of the talking on the phone. The representative that was talking to them, plain out asked them, “Do you know how to speak English?” Really. How rude. Urg.
This whole issue aside, I would have to call Bell around once a month after bills, because they like to charge us for random things that we don’t use. Even if we don’t use long distance, every couple of months, we get charged an extra 10 – 20 dollars for long distance calls to NB, or Calgary. We have no relatives there, so I don’t know how this happens.
Bell has horrible customer service, and are nice and happy to you ONLY when they are receiving your money. They will try to hold onto whatever they owe you for as long as possible.
I have experienced ongoing issues/challenges with Bell Canada.
This particular one is a 3 year contract which I believe I have done about 1/2 of my “sentence”. I was given information which stated that they could only increase my rates by a maximum of 10% in one year however when I moved 3 kms from where I was before, they increased the rate by 30.99% which I believe is MORE than 10%.
When I spoke with Bell Canada, they told me that because I am now in a different zone, that was the rate, however I would think that a contract is a contract and should be voided or at least renegotiated should there be an increase like that. But no it would seem I have (or my small business to be exact) has no rights or at least none that I can find. Had it been a cell phone, that would have violated the contract and left it voided from what I understand.
I have now received a new bill which shows 3 collect charges from Springfield MA (which I know absolutely no one there) and was charged $165 for 45 minutes. I feel that I should just cancel the phone, allow Bell to go after the money through collections and just forget about it all together since I am so frustrated with them. I am particular about paying bills however I am just at a loss as to what to do other than suck up the next 2 years.
I believe for my business to cancel, they are telling me it would cost somewhere around $1600.00 to cancel my phone. This is just a normal phone line with 100 minutes of long distance. (cell plans are better than this land line) I am just so glad that when I did move, I didn’t bother with anymore of their services. They used to have our satellite, internet, cell and three phone lines. All which would have added up to a fair amount of money each month however as they have continued to annoy me and not provide decent customer service, I have made a choice to continually remove their services.
If anyone has any insight into their contracts (as what they provide is obviously a joke since it didn’t comment on change of address or anything) and if I am indeed obligated to serve the remainder of my sentence, I would really appreciate it.
Oh and anyone who is conned into a contract, read all the fine print as if you do not advise them that you are not renewing your contract 30 days prior to the renewal date, I believe that it automatically gets renewed unless this has changed…
I have a complaint regarding my bill. Today on March 3rd 2014 I get my bill that was supposed to be $97 for 12 months but instead is $233.37. The thing I do not understand is if they told me that they will charge $97 then why are they charging extra. Are they trying to trap me by showing me offers that are just a hoax? You guys should be ashamed of yourself that you are troubling your loyal customers by charging extra. I believe I cannot continue my TV, Internet and Phone with a company that is greedy for money. Like always I had a talk with a Bell representative (Spede ID#6034150) to explain my problem but he just did not seem to understand. He was talking in a mean manor and was also giving us attitude. Instead of giving us help he was trying to trap us into paying more money. He had also said that we are breaking the contract that we did not even sign. Is that the kind of worker you keep in your company, people who don’t do their work properly and trick their customers? I finally got really pissed off after a while and I could not talk any further so I decided to let it go for that time. I am really angry after going through this several times so just fix the problem ASAP or else I would have to take strict actions against the whole company. NEVER TAKE THIS SHITTY PROVIDER AS YOUR SERVICE! YOU WILL SUFFER LATER ON!
bell does love to scam people,
they dont call you when your cell phone goes on
roam only when they tell you its at a high cost
and they shift towers to scam you and threaten you to
pay “having some other stupid company to bother you all day ”
why does the government take control of these people and avoid this..:)
Hello fellow victims, A stop payment does not always work. After cancelling Bell TV they have taken money from our account. This in my book is theft, but I guess they operate under different laws . I & my wife have been customers for over 30 yrs. & can not understand why they must use these dirty tactics when doing things fair & honestly would increase customer loyalty & retention .They now have over $240.00 of our money which we have no way to get back any time soon . Hope this sort of conduct bites you back Bell !
bell is a nightmare i been paying my bills all up to date
with my payments some one there office just put my website
down for no reason and no one advised me that they were putting my site down, know they said i need to pay for the cancellation fees,they are really out for lunch in the way they do there business,there support team don’t know what they are doing and they keep on passing you around still not understanding what they are doing.
I feel so horrible reading all of these posts. I never imagined I was the only one. But I never realized there were so many.
Two major issues I’ve had with Bell:
1) I paid them 1200$ for six months of service of my cellphone, and internet which I was assured were on the same bill, as I was getting a bundle deal, and those were my only two services. Two month later they cut off my phone for non-payment. I had to pay 300$ through my credit card in order to have my phone services restored. Apparently when the customer service representative bundled my account, they did not inform me, they were still two separate accounts. At this time I had been a customer with them for ten years. They also had 1000$ of my money sitting in their accounts.
2) I signed up for their internet stick deal, one year ten dollars a month. I’m not sure why I did it, the thing never worked and tech support could not get it to work over the phone, EVER! getting no where, I just threw it in a box and paid the money. Well months turned into a year. Contract would be over, or they would call to renew. Not a chance, I shouldn’t have forgotten about it, but they should have been upfront the contract was over after a year. A year later while calling in regarding my internet, the technician, starts asking me about this random phone line hooked up to my account. Apparently I had been paying 15$ a month for the internet stick that they know I never used, because they have access to my data usage. She apologized over and over, but told me there was no way they could reverse the charges, or provide me with a credit.
Since then my cell phone plan has been changed on me twice with no notice. It is finished in 50 days I tried cancelling earlier but if I cancel early they will charge me 250-300$ fee to remove my phone from the system on top of whatever they feel I should be paying in the next two months for this phone.
Four years from the first incident and it keeps getting worse. I count down the days, my friends giggle about it. But it will be the last service I have transferred from this company, and it’s cause for celebration. I hope to find a better company, but I don’t know where to go, they all seem very crooked.
Its November: still trying to get the billing stopped for Satellite TV that ended July 31st!…….
I just signed up for a mobility contract with Bell. They wont take responsibility for the iphone 5S ask me to go to apple when I paid them to buy the phone. On a promotion they waived my activation fee but my first bill includes the activation fee. I called up Bell for an explanation and the person on the line is so unsymapathetic. Kept repeating you signed a contract, so you have to pay…..
I was with mobilicity before. I used to think Bell is better but I will say Mobilicity is cheaper and better service than Bell… I should never have signed a contract. My phone sceeched and I can not hear the other person. Bell blames Apple and Apple says its a network issue. This is my first month with the phone and service and I can not get out of the contract now.. Not sure what shodul I be doing.. If anyone is planning for a classaction againt Bell I would want to be part of it too.. I am using Bell internet at home and had called to cancel thata nd they did not do it either..I would appreciate some help and direction in this matter.
I too have many a horror story about bell.too many to latest story is not as bad as some things I have gone through but not good either.3 years ago I was paying $160 for 3 services.internet,phone and satellite.i did not have a huge tv package about average.after the first year I noticed my bill was now about $ I phoned.they said your promotion had ended.i did nit know I had a I said how can we get my bill down because the price is outrageous.the rep put me on hold and came back and said it would go back to $160.00 per month and that this was not a would stay that way except for if normal cost increases.fine.went bck to $160.i thought that was easy.going forward a year later and bill is now $300.11 per month.thats right almost on the phone with bell I get.nice rep.very polite.said your bill will now be $160 promotion.always.took his name and rep number.2 months later and 2 more $300 bills I call bell back.well.the rep on the phone kept trying to say let me explain your bill for each services.i kept telling him I don’t need for him to explain what services I receive.i wanted him to explain why my bill is $300?nothing has changed.he tried to transfer me teice to speak with someone to explain my internet bill portion.i refused to be transferred .we all know what that means.i asked him if he thought or knew of anyone who pays a $300 bill unless they have long distance charges and do ppv movies.i know I have none of those charges on my bill.i told him of the rep I talked to and my bill was suppose to go down to $160.he put me oh hold for about 10 seconds ,came back and said I have no record of that converstion took place and proceeded to tell me that I used the services ,so I must pay for the services and that I would not be getting any promotions.he repeated this a few times ,irritating me.needless to say ,he got my goat and I had nothing nice to say after that.i continue to call bell.i get nowhere.ive had it.i will not go to rogers either.they are both searching for other alternatives.oh yes and youll like this one.when I first got back with bell 3 years ago for a year and a half my bill came in French.once a month evertime I got my bill I would call bell and try and get it corrected.i would make the rep read my bill each told them how can I pay my bill when I cant read 1 1/2 years to correct and get to English.the reps are not hired by bell.they are hired through a 3rd party don’t have to have any qualifying education or great training and make minimum wage.i live in the city wereone of the 3rd party companies are for bell.the reason bell hires another company is so they are not held responsible the other company is and its dirt cheap.hire whoever for minimum wage.bells a joke but really the jokes on us
I registered with Bell for all services and gave a specific amount that I be paying , never happened and on top of all that the phone never worked (still paid the bill when I get it every month) , they sent 3 technician to fix , they did nothing and finally when i decided to leave i get a bill for the months moving forward spoke to ….i would say 6 reps , did not get anywhere , they all promised to fix the issue I was getting 3 to 4 calls per week regarding my closed account and each one of them they put a note to send me a corrected invoice , but they kept on calling , I got the some of the credit but not on a statement , i finally decided to pay the money and get finish with the stupidity and the harassment that I was getting every couple of days and advised them to remove me from any list they have , worst service , worst people ever to deal with have no professional concept at all , they pretend to listen to you and the they send you a supervisor that it’s worst then them , WILL NEVER EVER EVEN GO TO A BELL STORE
Decided to go back to Videotron that I got a great service for the last 25 years , I thought that bell would be better
Just happy that I am out and will never ever look back , even that Bell has the top line technologies , but not worth the aggravation
Hope that you take my e-mail seriously and work on improving , because I am among the thousands
Best regards
p.s. please do not contact me as I am not interested in any conversation with Bell
I got a call yesterday from a 905 number they said Bell is going to have me charged for not paying my 700$ bill and I said o well I am not paying cause of the way I was treated and they hung up on me all the times and never got back to me of the complaints. I am still not paying them and they cant touch me I am on Government $ and this of what was said never came to me in mail so I kind of find it hard to Believe. Till then I got all collection numbers blocked on my cell phone when they call me.
Good evening,
I have the same problem with bell is there any person that will help me by telling me what to do, they are really stealing me.
I cancelled my satellite TV service with them on June 6/13. The beginning of September they charged my credit card for $368 for x4 “converter boxes” which I never had. I called them on sept 16/13 to have this $$$ refunded to me, a gentlemen by the name of “Yuri” assured me a cheque would be sent out immediately and I will receive it within 10 days.
I still have not received the cheque so I called them today. Another employee told me I have to wait 2 months to receive my refund. I told them this was unacceptable, especially in todays day and age. I also told them that the charge to my credit card was unauthorized therefore Bell Canada has commited fraud as far as Im concerned. After being on hold for almost ten minutes he comes back and informed me that the cheque has been mailed to Mission, Ontario… Yep, Mission, Ontario. I told him I have lived in BC for almost 5 years, the rest of my invoices come to BC, so why is “Ontario” on my account? He told me there “was no differences” in Ontario and BC. For those of you that know me well, patience is not my strongest quality. I asked him where he is located, he responded, “Quebec”. I proceeded to give this person a lesson in Canadian Geography.
Its now over four months since I cancelled my service and Im STILL having to deal with the stupidity of Bell Canada.
Sound so familiar. There should be a way to initiate collective complaint to the Ministry or even join a class action against them. Does anyone know if there is anything like that going on?
Really this company is one of the biggest Canadian shames.
I subscribe to bell on July and by October i have to cancel the services that they offer me where not as chip as the have say give them a call so they say that they have adjusted and lower my payments for the inconvenience got the second bill no change at all all still the same give them a call and somebody tells me that I have ad channels to my subscription when the only ones that I have is the ones that they offer me at the very beginning after 45 minutes of frustration from one person to another decide to go back with Videotron 8 years with them without a single problem, Bell may have good quality products but they have a bunch of unprofessional team and liars.
We had been customers for over 20 years. We moved and a technician came out to hook up our satellite TV (which did service in our new area). A very young guy came, was running late, asked the former owner of the house, who happened to be over many questions, where is this, where is that? No good morning , eye contact, or friendliness whatsoever. After about an hour said, well, it’s gonna be a big job and you’ll have wires hanging everywhere, I don’t think you’ll like that. He couldn’t or wouldn’t explain why, just wanted to discourage us. We said that it seems you don’t want to do the job so guess you just lost a customer. He could care less, phoned in our cancellation, and someone from Bell called back to confirm and didn’t even ask why. We stupidly did not ask a name or document the call. We gave away our HD receiver and 2 others and were asked to contact Bell to confirm that we had given them to the person. Luckily we did, as during the conversation, we were told that our account was still active. We went through the procedure that happened, and they still said that we were to be charged the 30 days from the day we called about our receivers. We had no choice but to cancel and obviously they could tell that we had no hookup from the day that it was cancelled at our former home and no satellite at our present one. STILL arguing with them and if we don’t get our money back our word of mouth will hopefully do some damage. Unbelievable that a well know company can be like that after having our business for 20 years and had it not been for the technician that came out to hook us up, we would have still been a customer. We will tell as many people as we can. So very disappointed that a few bucks that they want and should not have can cause such a dishonest relationship.
Hi All,
I read almost all your troubles with Bell Canada suckers, and I am another one of their many horror stories. I did not use the Bell TV/Internet services for almost a year but was still paying the bills charged as I though I would need the services once I have my own place but rather I dont have a job all together now. I asked them to give me a final amount so I can pay it off and cancel ALL my services, I was given an amount and a month to pay it all, I paid it in full with in the time limit. I called them again to send me the Router return package but still got nothing…they deliberately did not send.
Now I get a warning notice to pay my dues still to avoid action against me for the current month…WTF??!!
I called customer care they said the services are successfully Cancelled BUT you will still have to pay the dues till we finally issue complete cancellation of your account…….WHAT THE HELL??????????????
I am new to Canada and I feel so bullied by BELL blood suckers…Its very hard to survive like this…..I have all the records of my calls and check details but they want me to keep paying or they will start charging penalties…
I wish I get rid of this mess called BELL Canada……..
Word of advice to everyone who was screwed by Bell. Most people will just pay whatever Bell wants just to get rid of them once and for all. You’d think that you couldn’t win in court against such a huge company – WRONG !! If you have all your invoices and proof of everything you paid, as well as info of who you spoke to (citing the employee number if you have it), and the date and time you spoke to them, you stand a very good chance of winning your case. I too was “scammed” by this company in various ways with “surprise fees” here and there. So I just called them up, cancelled everything I had, paid each and every one of the fees they wanted me to pay (whether I agreed with them or not), then took the bastards to court and got all my money back and then some. I needed to be organized and it took a bit of energy to put it all together, but it was well worth seeing their screwed up faces in the courtroom. Not one of the ***hole Bell reps could prove contrary to my solid evidence of “Bell scamming” and the judge totally ruled in my favor. I got all my money back and Bell also had to pay my court fees and a few more dollars for the trouble they caused. I know it’s not easy and not everyone has the energy to go up against these big companies but they have a very bad habit of screwing us little people mostly because we let them! You too can get the power back! Force Bell to give it back by having your day in court!! More power to you!
Den, you need to look at your Internet service agreement again. It says up to 5meg speed, your speed isn’t guaranteed. With the Internet 5/5 plus, you can have speeds between 1-5meg. :-) Have fun with that!
HERE is my story of horror , i just order a package fibe tv and internet high speed ,the gentlemen Ismael ,was very polite and helpfull , and set me with a hd recorder because i needed hbo , not that i wanted the recorder , but convince me that their new network needed itfor those channels ,ok ok acceptance , i said that i d’idnt wnat to rent it so the gentlemen , very polite by the way ,said it would be free for as long i had the service ,ok , because i am on a tight budget , force to move because the landlord is moving also and he has custody of the downstair appt,i had to move too,so my rent will increase by 200$ , plus the cost of moving , and if you have move before i am not talking about the hidden cost ,i decided to order for the month of october2013 , since i am moving as 1st september , i will loose one month of service buti can live with that , so they refer me to that 1-800-730-7121 number for activating the order ,so i called , then at that service they check my credit and its not a+ but i never had business with bell or ever owed them anything , so the girl at that center told me i needed a 200$ deposit ,of course i was mad and finnish the call , so three days later i caled again the servie to customer to say ok activate my order , by the way they could not gave me the same represantant , ok but i ask the new guy can i pay the deposit at the install , he assure me of yes no problems but had to activate my order at the same 1-800 number , so i called back , new girl said to me no its not allowed to pay a tech(what they d’ont trust them????) and i am to trust them in my house for four hours to install the package????anyhow,talk again with her and said is there any other way , NO !,so i have to pay and wait for the money received before they activate the order , and to boot she told me its not 200$ it is 250$ , so iask the lady ,this question , you are not an employee of bell canada , first hesitate and said yes , so i said your not bell your sub contractor , she answered yes , have you tried a reverse phone number inquiry , the 1-800 -730-7121 does not exist here in canada , no such adress , that company is somewhere (where?????)that is who is managing your account , they administrate , accounting , and credit with your account and they are not even bell , that is why they are so rude to people ,i c’ant have any service without them activate the order , that is who bell isnthese day they sell you off to anybody as long as they sell their bulk services to those company that owns you now.for having been in telecom for 35 years in alberta snd quebec in telecommunicatio and even had my own telecom company in alberta ,i have never seen so much customer ,disrespect in all those years , you be the judge of who you want to do busines with..BEWARE
beware of the offer of bell internet about the 5 plus . I have been having fraud from them with the ” speed check ” . I’m suppose to have a 5 meg speed but only have 3 and there line is cutting off often . I had reported the issue but tell me all kind of BS and refuse to rise the speed up and they can play with the speed as they want at the office . One agent told me about this . SO BELL YOU SUCKS . Verizon is coming in Canada and I will sure switch to this supplier as soon as it get in the neighbourhood . By the time I will send a complaint to CRTC . STAY AWAY FROM THOSE CROOKS .
Hi had bell internet for past 2 and a half years I had some tech difficulties for which they felt its the modem and sent a new one its with me past 3 months all my calls to returns that went without any after actions….so I have two of them with me.
I am moving out of the province and the services are not available there I got in touch with bell online chat(Major Mistake)I was offered an out of the world priced wireless internet lol will cost me over a 100 bucks a month ….decided to cancel wanted them to cancel it for me they said I need to call… I called them only to speak with 2 different people and a promise to get me cancellations dept. waited for 30 minutes before they hung up on me…as I was planning a major move..i got busy in other arrangements….left to deal with at a later time (ANOTHER MSTAKE) …..
Finally today I made “the call” to cancel my services…..only to find that they need 30 day notice to cancel the services…..What? “I did not want to cancel I was forced to as its not available in the new location”….and they need a 30 day notice? by law ?where is a law which protects us the customers???? I had moved earlier from Toronto to Windsor ,I did not have to serve any notice or pay for what I am not going to use Kudos To Rogers…but bell I guess has a different law????may I ask which law????any special one which does not apply for Rogers????….ok the story now begins here….I said ok with the bill I will pay and asked for a voluntary suspension they said they cant?????and it will be suspended only on the 6th of September…what???? so now we have a connection LIVE at home which I will not be able to disconnect leave it as it is????what about any unauthorised usage????its possible when I have two modems which work there can a third one modified and compatible
Spoke to 2 supervisors the first one said that it was part of my WORK to call them before 30 days for cancellation????Yep sure I dreamt that Bell is not available in the new location???……and the calls I was hung up on????what about them???? thanks to Anisaa6037965 of reminding me of MY WORK….while planning a the move well in advance of 30 days to find out if bell is available in my new address….lesson learnt.
Later now I have two modems which I need to return…and I cant drop them off at any bell stores I either have to find a friends address and let them wait till they get a return label and ask them to post them or carry them with me to my new address n wait till I get the return label and then send back???????What??? are you guys kidding now I have to carry these two modems with me?????said not possible and asked for another option….said he would waive the modem fees if applicable and when I asked if I can dispose the equipment off and leave them for the electronic disposal guys he said that I cant
and leave them in the apt I am vacating???? where on earth can we do that so I offered that I will through them in a trash bin to be picked for which he agreed????
Nutshell don’t choose bell and if you do be prepared to face the music and play to their tunes.
I’m also having a similar issue talking with numerous CS reps and a notice stating past due charges with loss equipment charges being applied but the last CS rep said it had nothing to do with it, but I have the letter stating it does!, and no-one could confirm the return of the equipment (still looking for my invoice) when I know it was returned. In addition, I have a friend who just received a notice of past due for equipment loss as well when I was there when it was returned to Purolator. This seems to be a common practice of hit/miss and just send a bill to see if they’ll pay up! kind of philosophy. Quite the precedence here it seems! Anyone or group bringing this to the attention of national media? My question is why is all this tracking info getting lost in the land of the lost tracking to be found in the land of plums and money, I meant honey. :) Step up CBC and I’d love to see a segment on 22 minutes :)
Im at the EDGE with Bell. When i opened the account with Bell i signed up for a bundle , Tv , Home phone and internet. The had said to me i had Canada Wide + usa free calling. 3 months later i receive a bill of $679 . My service was suspended automatically after that. On June 23rd. When i call to ask about such ammount. They said it was due to Home Phone international Calling. So i told them to check their so called recorded calls for the offer made to me by their representative. She said they will credit that money for the long distance back to my account on the following bill cycle. Today received my next bill. Turns out am getting charged for the month of service that i havent had BECAUSE IT WAS SUSPENDED! . So now my billis $879. I calm them back and no one can help me because even though i have a Bundle.. I have to speak to 3 different people for each service. And if i cancel its another 200$ on top of all that.. And if not payed in full i will be sent to collections. BELL YOU GUYS ARE F**** THIEVES!!!
Ma plainte concerne Bell Télé par satellite.
Bell télé a récemment modifié son logiciel touchant le menu principal.
Depuis cette date, dès que la «mise à jour» quotidienne s’effectue pour mettre à jour le guide des émissions, les horloges de rappel ne FONCTIONNENT PLUS alors qu’elles avaient été programmées pour PLUS d’une (1) fois. Elles continuent d’apparaitre correctement dans le «MENU#7» mais n’apparaissent plus dans le guide car elles ne fonctionnent plus.
J’ai communiqué avec le service à la clientèle et l’agent m’a dit qu’il ne pouvait rien faire pour corriger le problème.
Je déplore le fait que les horloges de rappel (quotidienne, hebdomadaire ou du Lundi au Vendredi) ne fonctionnent plus après que Bell fait sa «mise à jour» automatique à 3h00 du matin.
Man I wish I had seen this and other numerous Bell complaints on many other sites before I signed up with Bell Mobility today. Suffice to say, I had problems with coverage and signal strength right away and tried talking to their clueless customer service reps. Without boring you with the same story everybody else has reported, I cancelled it within hours and returned the phone to Futureshop. FS was so nice to refund the iPhone 5, but the FS sales lady was told that I would still be billed anyway. This after I was assured that I had 14 days to try if I use the phone less than 30mins or 50MB of data, which I complied with.
4 hours ownership of Bell Mobility and the problems have already started.
The number of complaints here and elsewhere surely are proof that this is a systemic problem with this organization.
Where’s the government oversight ? Can someone please launch a class action law suit?
I have been NOT paying their version of my bill for three months; every month I have spent an hour trying to have a “mistake” corrected and every month I am assured that the”mistake” has been rectified…..and just of the phone now; another assurance that my next bill will show my $90.00 credit….I phoned the number posted by Anne.
And all of this because I cancelled TV service. First month they put an extra $80.00 on my bill, said it would be off the following bill…then said I had forgotten to return a “deck-stacker” (God knows)…following month they said I had forgotten to return the remote: everything had been returned, signed for and acknowledged.
I live in Ridgetown Ontario and it is almost impossible to get phone and internet unless you deal with bell.
I have cancelled my Bell TV in early March. I asked what was the final amount owing and paid it in full. Their equipment was sent back in the beginning of April, we had stopped using it sometime earlier March as we had a new provider to use.
So in April I get another bill for money owing. I call, get an explanation, the amount actually gets revised because of a mistake on their end and now the amount owed is supposed to be close to my normal monthly payment. Fine. I’ll pay it.
Bill arrives for more than the agreed amount. I call their collections department. After being on the phone with them for a long period of time – we agree to pay the amount that I was told prior. So I pay it immediately to be done with it and finalized.
Well, turns out they only did that to get at least that much out of me. Now, I have a bill for the remainder, and also another charge of $25 for Center Ice. (I had already paid the first portion earlier the year)
The person on the phone tried to tell me it’s because I had Center Ice for the full year. I said no, I stopped using your product in March and you had your equipment returned before the season was over.
Either way I’m on the hook now for another amount, I really don’t want to pay it. But what will that do with my credit rating? I have great credit now. I’m so angry that this is now the third time I have to pay more money because of their mistake and oversight.
Has anyone decided to not pay the last amount?
Bell is the worst run company as far as customer service and mis-information goes. I really don’t believe that they can’t be controlled. Harper probably sucks a percentage out of them too and coaches them on how to treat good people and the bit of money people have. Sick of it, sick of it, sick of it. Most CEO’s should prbably be in jail at this time in society, I don’t think they will walk on everybody forever.
I have been going through half of these complaints and I agree with them because it is happening to us. My phone was under Bell under my mother’s name because I couldn’t get one under my, was told my credit wasn’t good enough and yet when I went for a cell phone I was told I have no credit, hmmm. But any ways, my boyfriend moves in and we have talked bout putting the phone in his name. So we call and he goes for the package deal where we get 6 months free with only an activation fee of $49.95. One guy comes in to install the dish cable. It took him bout 2 hours to do so. I know so because I was home and had to cancel an appointment because it was taking too long and I couldn’t understand half the things he was saying cause of his stud-er. Then half way through it another person from Bell calls me up and asked if he needs to come in and install the phone and internet. I said yes cause that is what we ordered. So he comes in and installs them, which I thought was odd cause with Shaw they have one person come in and install everything, why does Bell need 2 people to come in. I asked the first guy and he said he only does the cable, they are in different departments. I was like umm really now. After everything was installed, things were good, going through the channels though was tough cause they never told us which channels we actually got. They even said on the phone sorry bout that we should of left you a list, and as for the movie channels we were suppose to have free, they cost $12.99 to order them. Then a couple days after we started to lose channels, the dish kept going out and less and less channels came back on. That’s not good because even my son was losing channels. So me and my bf talked it over and decided to switch our cable back to Shaw. We made the calls and they said okay we will just bill you for what you owe on the installation fee which we thought was only $49.95. But we kept the internet and phone with Bell. And they told us that would only be about $112 a month. Well now we apparently owe $536 bill for the cable. We have called and called and called to ask why so high and again no answer, they just keep telling my bf they are going to send him to a collection agency if he don’t make the payment of $150 every two weeks as that is when he gets paid. So here I am and get a knock at the door its puralator sending us the boxes to put the receivers in and send back to Bell. In which we will do but I don’t understand why they pretend to be nice to you on the phone when your ordering the service but the minute you want to cancel a product or any thing they are rude to you and over charge you for the service, how do you go from a 6 month free service to only having one service of it for only 2 weeks and now owing a $536 bill. . . I am keeping my cable with Shaw and eventually be switching my internet back to them as well and cancelling my home phone and just use the pay as you go cell phones we both have cause that sure as hell seems way cheaper.
Very interesting! I’ve been a customer of Bell for over 40 years now. Back then, Bell was the only provider, but now we have choices (thank God.) I’ve cut my service with them because they were not crediting my account after I made payments (I have the proof from the bank.) Even with letters, phone calls, proofs of cashed cheques, nothing was happening, except that my account was still showing that I owed for the paid amounts. Finally, a resolution (no real reason why it happened, though). But that was too little, too late. Bye, bye, Bell!!
All I would like to say is I do not know about anyone else but I am sick and tired about these large company’s that think they have the right to do what ever they want and the people the work there are even worse then the company (Bell). My story is to long to write about I totally agree stay away from Bell!
…Really?….I can’t believe the ‘BALLS’ on Bell
I’ve been living a Bell nightmare for a few years now.
I think they trained Pauline Marois on how to piss off the general public,…except of course for the poor french speaking people who have been brainwashed, and now aid and abet the PQ by helping to brainwash their poor youngens.
All I can say is, “I won’t be retiring here and I won’t be using Bell!
I’m out
I cancelled Bell mobility a while ago they would not make me offers and Telus Gave me way better Plan I love it.
I need to know how new home phone provider will turn me on when bell cancelled my home line on Thursday or friday that went by thanks they tried to convince me to stay and get better services I said thanks but no thanks bill was over 150$ for 3 months now so were now going with world Line way cheaper then BC. (BellCanada)
Please help me to find email where I can send Bell complain
Every month they send me bill with balance forwarding and asking me to pay more money.
Do you have reliable company to pay for telephone and email.
Guys, should always ask for the agent’s number or ask them to send the promotions to your e-mail or by mail. So when you call back, you will have something to prove. I have really bad experience with them. When I talked to them on phone, they said that my cancellation was done. Then after a month, they still sent me a bill. I called and ask what was wrong, one of the agents told me that I didn’t cancel, I need to wait for other 30 days. I already changed the company, why I still need to pay for two months. Some agents said something on phone but don’t put note on the account.
I am having the same issues, I have a cell phone contract with Bell and have had the same number since Bell established here. About 8 months ago a man entered two seperate bell retailers and got two seperate contracts and two cell phones on my account and signed his own name to the contracts. Bell will not cancel the two phones and are telling me because the name is not clear I am still responsible for it. when I called the police to investigate the Bell dealers told them the contracts had disappeared. I have supplied them with my signature and my ID and again I use the claim I am a woman and this was a man who got the contracts. I’m at my wits end and frustrated as hell and have been at this 8 full months and cannot get any head way.
Thanks everyone for sharing the frustration. Bell is, by far, the very worst company I have ever had to deal with. For such an enormous company, you would think that they would have invested in some sort of software system that would allow employees to communicate between departments.
My wife unwillingly agreed to a pushy salesperson and added services we didn’t need, under the promise that it wouldn’t change anything. That was in November of 2012. We cancelled the services the very next day. Since then we have called a minimum of 3 times per month, been shuffled between the most useless excuses for CSRs ever, and still nothing is resolved and our bill seems to just keep getting bigger and bigger every month. It is now at at over $500 and Bell has confirmed on a 5 occasions that we have a $300 credit but they haven’t applied the credit in 4 months. Now we refuse to pay a cent more than we owe. If they want to keep calling us with the collections department, who quickly review the file to see that the credit is there, however continue to try to harass us, they can keep going. I am ready to remove the stupid satellite from the roof and bill them to repair the shingles.
I opened my account with Bell on September 1 2012. Bell offered us all three services (home phone, internet and TV) for $113.00 per month. I agreed. Bell confirmed the price $113 for all three services/per month via email on August 6 2012 (transaction # B62X94N6 and Bell Agent ID 6040969). After the order was done the bill was to come up to $113.00 on ONE bill per month. But no…they ended up opening 3 separate accounts for all three services (TV, home phone and Internet). They have been billing us separately and the bills have been in the hundreds for each service per month! We were not given certain rebates, a discount for switching from Rogers which was promised from the get go and PLUS they have suspended the service twice! After several calls to resolve, nothing has been done to accommodate us. We are still being charged too high.
Also Bell started a second phone line with a different phone # which I did not even know until I received my phone bill. I kept calling Bell to fix all the billing errors. I made the payment of $66.00 in the beginning. I even filed my complaint to Bell via Bell online but never received a call or email back from Bell.
Finally, I was able to speak with Bell supervisor on Feb 27, 2013. Her name is Catherine and Her Bell Agent ID is EX86026. She provided one another ID 6044381. She went thru all my previous bills under all different accounts and corrected all the billing errors and I was told to make the payment of $381.00. I made the payment with her right way using my credit card. But Bell collection department called me next week for the payment again. My all three services were disconnected and restarted after a day.
I receive call from Bell collection department everyday to make the payment. I already made the payment on Feb 27. Please can you help me to resolve the issue with Bell Canada. We are very frustrated with Bell so much.
Hi, same bullshit as others here. I gave Internet cancellation notice on February 16, they said the service would end on March 18, I paid the bill, then got a bill for this month. I am on the phone with them and they said the cancellation notice was done on March 13, to disconnect on April 12! I said check your logs,the last time I called was February 16. They said that doesn’t prove anything.
I am still on the phone with these idiots waiting to talk to a manager. 30 minutes on hold now.
Bullshit! Has anyone tried small claims court?
just beginning my adventures cancelling Bell TV. fortunately I haven’t given them a card number, nor do they have direct debit. reading all these posts, now I’m even more convinced not to give any company access to those. So far, we’ve been told about the required 30 days’ notice, and received another bill, which I’m refusing to pay. trying to find a mailing address for Bell HQ is an unbelievable ordeal, but I think I have it; they’re at 1 Carrefour Alexander Graham Bell, Montreal QC, H3E 3B3. However, there are 5 buildings, so which one TV is housed in? Who knows? I started with phoning to cancel, got a rude response, so went straight to the CRTC. They must be inundated & fed up with Bell, because they advised me that although they don’t intervene with Bell on matters of internal corporate customer service, they did forward my complaint. I then got an email from a Francois Boisjoli, TV customer relations “specialist” – who sounded understanding, but didn’t offer to do anything about my issues. So, now I’m drafting him a letter which I’m also sending to the CCTS and to his boss at Bell, I believe it’s Wade Oosterman, along with the 12 pages this comments page comes to when printed in 8 font – to let them know just how pleased so many of us are (not) with their pathetic excuse for competitive services. I’ve had good results from the CCTS in the past, dealing with Bell’s cellular arm. Once again – it pays NOT to give out credit card numbers or access to direct debit. They can’t refuse to give you back money they haven’t got their mitts on yet. Re. collections: let them try! If ever they are stupid enough to physically come to my residence, they’ll get a surprise they won’t soon forget (I’m sure my farm dogs can get over the bad taste!)
I have been with bell for over seven years…in the fall I had back surgery and was late on a bill because I was not at home to read all my mail and had bell customer service call me. I was out of town for several months and I had asked them to just suspend my account because I was not going to be home for quite a while and the tv was not being used at the moment. Then when I get back I will un-suspend it and go from there. I was told I cannot do that until I pay the bill first. unfortunately, I explained I cannot until I return home so I said cancel it instead and I will just hook it back up with the $50 reactivation fee instead of incurring the $145 monthly charge of my service. Guess what. I return 3 months later and have a bill of $700 and it was never canceled and I was told I did not speak to the right department so it was my fault…So I say #$%&@ you guys and tell them to send me a box and they can take the receiver and service and shove it. So what do they do? They dont send the box (but they say they did) and they are still charging me for the receiver rental..then send me to collections after I pay the @$%&@ bill and refused to pay the “out of nowhere extra $150” which I was told was for the receiver and Id be reimbursed but never got the box they “sent” and then Im told its not for the receiver and that its for something else….they are pulling shit like this after Ive been loyal for 7 years.. Never use Bell. Its a Nightmare.
On March 20 2013, I spoke with Peter employee # EY22164 – read it back to him and confirmed cancellation confirmation # 00RBN6G6 – read it back to him and confirmed
I informed Peter that at the time when my internet service first started, I did not have a contract and was told I could cancel anytime without notice. I am exercising this option and cancelling my internet service effective April 1, 2013. I received a bill February 27, 2013 that includes a price increase. I do not agree to the price increase and respectfully cancel my internet service effective April 1, 2013. I also do not agree to a reduction in the service I was paying for and respectfully cancel my internet service effective April 1, 2013. Specifically, I am to be notified if my bandwidth usage approaches my limit. I have added this service twice in the past three years and was not notified when my bandwidth passed my limit December 2012. I also do not agree to another reduction in service, spefically the online daily usage is no longer available to self check when I approach my bandwidth limit and therefore cancel my internet service effective April 1, 2013. I have found another internet service provider that I am confident I will not have these same issues with. I expect a speedy cancellation of my internet service effective April 1, 2013 with no ongoing problems from Bell Canada’s end. If I do not receive prompt de-activation of my internet service on April 1, 2013 I will proceed to cancel my telephone with Bell Canada by Friday April 5th, 2013. I specifically asked Peter employee # EY22164 for a name and an address that I could write to concerning my internet de-activation and was told more than once that this is the only way to write to anyone at Bell Canada. So consider this letter your one and only letter from me personally informing you as formally as possible as per terms of my internet service when I first was activated that I am cancelling my service with you and will not pay any charges that incur after April 1, 2013. If in fact, you do have a name and address I can send this notice to I will be glad to put this message in a letter and mail it to you, I have made all reasonable attempts to obtain a means to contact you directly, both online, and by calling 310- SURF. If I do not receive a name and address by Friday April 5th, I will consider this letter as sufficient notice to Bell Canada and disregard any attempts by you to communicate beyond that date. If Bell Canada disregards my notice of cancellation of April 1, 2013, I charge a “wrongful billing” resolution fee of $10.00 per day, plus any and all costs incurred, plus HST.. By not replying to this message you agree to abide by the terms of our prior agreement of cancellation without notice. If you erroneously bill me for internet service beyond April 1, 2013, you automatically agree to my wrongful billing resolution fee of $10.00 per day, plus expenses, plus HST, and agree to pay this fee for every day that the error remains unresolved by you. Thank you for your time. Respectfully, Gordon S*******
BIGGEST SCAM ARTISTS IF ALL TIME. In my opinion, Bell needs a class action lawsuit and the decision -makers need to get thrown in jail!!
Bell are fraudulent dishonest company ,I am a paraplegic on disability ,they have over charged me hundreds of dollars ,worst company ever .Not paying this time.i hired a lawyer they can take care of it.Crooks like Bell June Nelson’s .Hope they can afford their bail
Bell is fraudulent !!!!!!
Their was no mistake ,Nell are fraudulent
I have. Been over charged may times ,I paid my account in full along with another account($274) I had to pay to get my account working again!I paid my account in full along with an account that is not mine,I am a paraplegic on disability ,now they over charged me again,this time they don’t get a cent from me.I went 40 odd years without this zbS.zi am not going to pay this timeJune Nelson was using my account,then someone else I hired a lawyer he can deal with it.Im done!!!!!
Received a final notice from bell on Feb 27th for the amount of $288, though the account had been closed and payed off since December.Payed the whole amount through Bell collections on Feb 26th. Was Charged an additional 50$ after paying the entire final notice balance. Bell, WHAT ARE YOU DOING? Why are you charging me AFTER you sent the FINAL NOTICE. Get your shit together, stop sending me mail. I was a loyal customer, payed everything on time, and this is how I get treated. Screwed left and right. FRAUDULENCE.